

英國醫生警告網友已磨好的咖啡粉裡可能會藏有蟑螂。圖/取自tiktok@dr.karanr 英國醫生警告網友已磨好的咖啡粉裡可能會藏有蟑螂。圖/取自tiktok@dr.karanr

英國醫生拉吉(Karan Raj)日前在社群平台發布一段影片,警告網友已磨好的咖啡粉可能會藏有蟑螂或其他生物,如果對其過敏應該要避免飲用。網友KrazyKrystal哀號:「你不須要告訴我們這些事!害我們這些愛喝咖啡的人不想喝咖啡了...」




影片至今吸引超過150萬人次點閱。beelzebub181驚呼:「你的意思是我一直都在喝自己最怕的東西?」網友Kirsten Beech表示:「吃素的咖啡控知道了應該很傻眼。」網友TechBuilder笑指:「之前不知道蟑螂的味道這麼好耶。」網友Ricky Brown說:「好險我不喝咖啡。」網友JinnKid認為拉吉的呼籲很好,但稱:「我還是要喝咖啡,就當補充蛋白質囉。」網友也認為:「很多食物含蟲或其他物質,咖啡裡的蟑螂沒什麼大不了。」

Doctor issues cockroach warning to coffee drinkers and people are freaking out


There's a good chance your tin of coffee contains ground-up cockroaches

This might turn you off from drinking tins of pre-ground coffee beans ever again


That's because if you're drinking coffee made from pre-ground beans, there's also a pretty high chance you're swigging down ground-up cockroaches.

University of Montana biology professor Douglas Emlen first spilt the beans on the gross finding in a 2009 interview about his research into dung beetles, as reported by .


Dr Emlen described how, as a student, he drove across the country with his professor who was 'fiercely addicted to caffeine' and often made them drive up to 45 minutes off route to find somewhere that served whole bean fresh ground coffee.

"I remember giving him a really hard time because we were wasting a lot of travel time trying to feed his addiction because he needed a coffee every couple of hours," said Dr Emlen.

"And he finally explained to me he had to drink only whole bean fresh ground coffee — and it was because of cockroaches."

After years of teaching entomology, the study of insects and their relationships with humans, the professor became badly allergic to cockroaches from handling them so often.

He couldn't touch a cockroach without getting a reaction and suffered similarly when he drank coffee made from pre-ground beans.

When the professor looked into it he found pre-ground coffee is all processed from huge stock piles which get infested with cockroaches.

He explained that little can be done to filter out the creatures, so they all get ground up along with the beans. Feeling ill yet? Here's a little more.

Dr Emlen said at the the time US defect standards allowed coffee beans to contain as much as 10 per cent 'insect filth and insects'.

蒙大拿大學生物學教授Douglas Emlen曾告訴媒體,經過多年的昆蟲學研究,他對蟑螂極為敏感,易出現皮膚瘙癢等不明反應。





Your Coffee Grounds Are Full of Bugs, and That's OK

But there is something a little disconcerting about eating bugs when you're not expecting it or don't know that it's even happening. And there's potentially a lot of bugs—and beans damaged by bugs—in that can of pre-ground coffee you bought the other day. The FDA will only regulate if more than 10 percent or more of green coffee beans, by count, are either insect-infested or insect-damaged. According to data from the insect-control company Terro, as published by Huffington Post, you could unknowingly be ingesting 136,080 fragments of bugs in your coffee annually, at the very worst.





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