
"Maravillosa Jugada", translated as "Outstanding Move", is a reaction image macro often used as to express a genuine or, in some cases, sarcastic response to a well-executed (or poorly executed, if the meme is used sarcastically) plan. The phrase is usually quoted as a caption in an image featuring a man gesturing towards a chessboard diagram.


The image used in this reaction originates from a video in an article posted on the Spanish news outlet ElPais.com, "La jugada mágica de Bogolyúbov" or "The magical play of Bogolyúbov," which was posted on February 27th, 2017.[1] The article recalls a chess match between chess grandmasters Ludwig Rellstab and Yéfim Bogolyúbov in 1940. In the video attached to the article, a man named Leontxo García, who hosts a video series on chess for El Pais, uses a chessboard diagram to re-enact the chess match. At one point in the video, the García declares a particular move by Bogolyúbov "marivillosa" ("outstanding"). The video attached to the article was uploaded on El Pais's official YouTube channel on March 4th, 2017.[2] Within two years, the video has received more than 140,000 views (shown below)


Following the post, various image macros featuring a screenshot of García from his various videos. On May 8th, 2017, Memedroid[4] user MariLozan55 shared a variation made by Momos Corp (shown below, left). The post received more than 3,600 votes (94% upvoted). The following month, on June 5th, the image was shared by Facebook [5] user LaGuiaDelVaron. The post received more than 24,000 reactions, 250 comments and 4,000 shares in a year and a half.

On May 12th, 2017, Instagram [6] user @chispezachilena posted variation. The post received more than 10,000 likes in less than two years (shown below, center).

The following month, on June 21st, YouTuber MEMES turinnet posted a clip of the original video. The post received more than 84,000 views (shown below, right).


jugemos verdad o reto tu empiezas Verdad quieres ser mi novia? Mejor reto te reto a que seas mi novia Escribe un mensaje CORP Maravillosa Jugada! games text technology cuando el profesor se equivoca pero dice que lo hizo a proposito para ver si ponian atencion 2 Maravillosa jugada games indoor games and sports chess board game chessboard play


On December 2nd, 2018, Redditor [7] WasteOf10Dollar posted an English-language version of the meme on the /r/PewdiepieSubmissions subreddit. The post received more than 5,100 points (97% upvoted) and 45 comments in nine days (shown below).


l'm a genie, I offer you 3 wishes - Make it 4 Granted, you have 3 left outstanding tove text






Maravillosa Jugada又被譯為Outstanding Move 中文為 傑出的一手 這是一位名叫Leontxo Garcioa所主持的 國際象棋系列視頻裡面 他用棋盤圖重新上演了一次 國際象棋大師Ludwig Rellstab 和Yéfim Bogolyúbov之間在1940 的一場象棋比賽 而在某一個點他宣稱了Bogolyúbov的 一個Maravillosa(Outstanding)舉動(move) 在2017年5月8日,有人於Memedroid分享了這個迷因

得到了超過3600的投票 之後又在下個月6月5日,有人在Facebook 分享了這張圖片 之後便被廣為人傳





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