809 Area Code Scam

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This long distance phone scam causes consumers to inadvertently incur high charges on their phone bills. Consumers usually receive a message telling them to call a phone number with an 809, 284, 649, or 876 area code in order to collect a prize, find out information about a sick relative, etc. The caller assumes the number is a typical three-digit U.S. area code; however, the caller is actually connected to a phone number outside the United States, often in Canada or the Caribbean, and charged international call rates. Unfortunately, consumers don't find out that they have been charged higher international call rates until they receive their bill.
AT&T recommends the following tips to help avoid the 809 area code scam:
- Return calls to familiar numbers only. As a general rule, return calls from numbers that contain familiar or recognizable area codes. You may call your directory assistance or long distance operator to check the area code location.
- Carefully read your telephone bill. Make sure that you only receive charges from your provider of choice. Ensure you thoroughly understand charges listed on your phone bill, have chosen to do business with all of the listed providers billing for those charges and have authorized additional fees invoiced. If your local service provider has changed, you will receive a final bill from the former provider and a notice of service disconnection.
If you believe that you have been scammed:
- Contact the carrier with whom the charge originated, whose name and toll-free telephone number should be printed on the same bill page as the charge in question. Often, the problem can be resolved with a single phone call.
- If the carrier with whom the charge originated does not agree to resolve the problem, contact AT&T. AT&T will work with you and the carrier to help remove fraudulent charges from the phone bill.
小心809開頭的電話 一分鐘費用高2425元
小心809開頭的電話 一分鐘費用高2425元!
080 和 0800 的不同,要注意哦!
外國詐騙 - 可能是有關一個「令人難以置信」的投資的一封信或者一個電話。
電話行銷詐騙 - 一般包括抽獎、獎品提供、包辦旅遊、投資、慈善捐助、家庭代工、雜誌銷售、彩票以及營業機會等詐騙內容。
預付費貸款 - 欺詐性貸款經紀人謊稱保證能夠給您貸到款,但您必須先付費後申請。
信用記錄修復 - 聲稱可以為那些有不良信用記錄的消費者把信用報告整理好。
自動借記詐騙 - 欺詐性電話行銷員使用這種手法從他人的支票存款帳戶上非法提款。除非您熟悉對方,否則不要通過電話把支票存款帳戶資訊告訴別人。
詐欺飲食 - 美國人每年花在詐欺飲食產品上的錢估計高達六十億美金,這些產品的推銷廣告多為「融化體內脂肪的神奇潤膚膏」或「睡覺時就能減肥」。
雜誌訂購詐騙 - 您要謹防以提供「免費」、「已付費」或「特價」雜誌訂購推銷的電話行銷陷阱。
免費電話詐騙 - 撥打 800 和 888 電話幾乎都是免費的,但也有一些例外。您一定要小心。
國際電話詐騙 - 詐騙高手利用 809 電話來迷惑撥打電話的人。雖然這些號碼看起來像是國內電話,但實際卻是按國際電話費率來收費。
預付費電話卡詐騙 - 銷售預付費電話卡可能暗藏多級型銷詐欺伎倆,需要大筆預付金額。
線上和高科技手段詐騙 - 常見的網際網路詐騙有老鼠會、與網際網路相關的服務、設備銷售、營業機會以及家庭代工等。