





德國著名魔術搭檔齊格菲與羅伊(Siegfried&Roy)成員羅伊霍恩(Roy Horn)8日因新冠肺炎併發症,在拉斯維加斯離世,享壽75歲。他的搭檔齊格菲悲痛表示:「今天,世界失去了一個偉大的魔術師,但我損失了最好的朋友。從我與羅伊相遇的一刻,我就知道我們將會改變世界,沒有他就沒有我。」




昔轟動賭城「白老虎秀」 為何咬人 16年後揭真相 - 李四端的雲端世界


Siegfried and Roy were a duo of German-American magicians and entertainers, best known for their appearances with white lions and white tigers. It was composed of Siegfried Fischbacher (born June 13, 1939) and Roy Horn (born Uwe Ludwig Horn; October 3, 1944 – May 8, 2020).

From February 1, 1990, until Horn's career-ending injury on October 3, 2003, the duo formed Siegfried & Roy at the Mirage Resort and Casino, which was regarded as the most-visited show in Las Vegas, Nevada. From August 2004 to May 2005, Fischbacher and Horn were executive producers of Father of the Pride.


The kitsch Tiger Kings were gay icons internationally, and their preference for men was as glaringly obvious as their German heritage

An article from 2008 said Siegfried and Roy never identified as gay, although a relationship was often publicly assumed.

white tigers since the 1980s, but it wasn't until 2007 when they both came out as gay







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