Heartbreaking footage shows the poor pooch, reportedly called Tintin, being abandoned by a woman hours before being returned to the family.
Poor Tintin was then dumped again hours later by the woman's husband.
The pet has one of its front legs missing and suffers a disability on its other front leg.
He was filmed being cruelly dumped in the city of Sao Leopoldo in the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul.
2020-01-07 19:54:27
現居厄瓜多的網友尼爾森(Nelson Leal)3日在臉書PO出一段殘忍棄狗的監視器畫面,並難過的指出,「這不公平,希望這種事情再也不會發生。」,畫面中可以看到,一輛白色轎車在路邊停下後,女飼主下車打開後車門,車內先跳出1隻黑狗,接著她抱出一隻只剩2隻後腿的白狗,隨後將黑狗趕上車,並直接開車離開。