408公斤男X光照 讓你不敢再吃了


上傳者為「Secret World Stories」,標題寫著「X-ray of a 900 pound man.」(900磅重男子的X光照,900磅約408公斤),正常人的骨骼卻要支撐龐大的脂肪與肌肉,網友看到紛紛大喊不可思議。



This is the shocking image which claims to be an x-ray of a 64-stone man.

The picture, which has gone viral on Twitter, appears to show a hugely obese man standing with his hands out to either side.

Although captioned as an 'x-ray of 900lb man', many have suggested it looks more like a 3D model.

Others have suggested it could be a fake.

Either way it gives an insight into the incredible pressure obesity puts on the human skeleton.

If true, it would mean the man, who has not been named, weighs over 64 stone.

A man this size would struggle to have an MRI or CT scan at an NHS hospital.

It was suggested recently that hospitals may have to start taking chronically obese patients to zoos or vets to be weighed using equipment normally reserved for animals.

The Royal Veterinary College (RVC)said its CT scanners, customised for horses, could be used to accommodate patients weighing 30 stone or more but they would need to get a special licence to scan humans. 

Many hospitals have also said they will need to widen corridors and buy reinforced beds to cope with the country's increasingly obese population.

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